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Helpline Numbers In India

Sangath is a not-for-profit organisation working in Goa, India for 24 years to make mental health services accessible and affordable.

iCALL provides free counselling through telephone, email and chats to anyone in need of emotional support.
The DISTRESS/SUICIDE PREVENTION professionals/helpline numbers/websites listed on the Sukh website are not employed, associated or endorsed by Sukh. The professionals and the organisations behind the listed websites and helpline numbers on the Sukh website are independent third parties and there is no relationship of principal-agent, employer-employee, or partnership of any nature with Sukh. We do not make any recommendation or guarantee the service or quality of any professional or helpline number or website listed herein. Sukh does not make any representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and is in no manner responsible for, the services provided by the professionals or their websites or the helpline services. These are purely for reference purposes.
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